Playa Mil Palmeras

Playa Mil Palmeras

Playa Mil Palmeras

Playa Mil Palmeras

— Playa Mil Palmeras

Mil Palmeras
Length: 346 m
Area: 15.570 m2

Quality certifications: Blue Flag, Q Qualitur, ISO 9001 e ISO 14001, Q Calidad Turística, SICTED

Beach services: public toilets, rescue and lifesaving, footbaths, chiringuito (beach bar), restaurant, umbrellas and hammocks, hotel, sports games, disabled parking, accessible beach, shaded area for people with functional diversity.

#Breathe in the tranquillity of this natural beach, open with fine sand and rocky walls. This is a good choice to visit with the family. It is located at the mouth of the Matamoros gorge, which delimits the municipalities of Orihuela and Pilar de la Horadada. This is a place to find accessibility resources and nearby beaches and leisure areas have been adapted for the disabled.